September 26

The kids had another great week!  We continue to reinforce proper classroom behavior and procedures.  Please remind your children of how important it is to be a good listener, quiet worker, and being respectful to teachers and classmates!

Please make sure your child is reading their daily sentence each night to you.  Please sign it and make sure it goes back into their home folder to come back to school everyday.

Please have your child read their WEB books at home to you and return them to get new books!  I have almost completed my reading assessments of the students.  I have a few more to finish up next week.  Some reading levels may change but remember that WEB books should be easy and at your child’s independent level.  Also, remember to read allowed with your first grader every night!

Walk-a-thon will be on Friday, October 3.  Please return your fundraiser donations by Friday.

Remember that library is on Thursdays.  Please help your child remember to bring their books!



We continue to focus on what good readers do, such as thinking about what we read.  The kids began reading with partners this week.  They are practicing reading and discussing what they have read with their partner.


Our writing focus this week has been on writing seed stories rather than watermelon stories.  We also focused on making our stories readable and adding important details.


In math this week, we finished unit 1 with an assessment.  The kids did very well in demonstrating what they have learned in math so far this year.  We also did fun performance task math lessons with the Very Hungry Catepillar and adding with dominoes.


We continue to practice letter formation and proper handwriting technique.

Colin is reading with our Ruff Reader dog, Maizie!

Colin is reading with our Ruff Reader dog, Maizie!


The kids are busy writing during writers workshop!

The kids are busy writing during writers workshop!


September 19

Happy Friday!  We had a great week with lots of learning going on!  The kids continue to do a great job!

Reminders:  Walk-a-thon is Friday, October 3

Library:  Thursdays- Please remind your child to return their books

WEB Books:  Wonderful Exciting Books have come home with your first grader.  Please make sure your child is reading these books more than once and sign the “Lucky Listener” sheet.  The books should be read 2-3 times before returning them to school.  You may feel that these book are easy for them but they should be to help build confidence and fluency in reading.


Reading:  In readers workshop we have learned that good readers reread books, know how to continue reading after an interruption, and how to make pictures in our heads (visualizing) while reading.

Writing:  In writers workshop we have been practicing the three W’s (Where, who, and what) in their writing.

Math:  We are continuing our work on number partners and will review and test next week.



September 12

The kids continue to do a great job in first grade!  They are working hard to do well, follow directions, and be good students.  We have been earning tickets and puzzle pieces for good behavior!  Please remember to have your child read their daily sentence each night and return it in their folder each day!  Also, their math homework is due by Thursday each week.  Library books are also due back each Thursday to be able to check out 2 new books.  Please let me know if you have any questions!


In readers workshop, we continue to build stamina in reading.  The kids are doing a great job reading quietly the whole time.  We have learned 3 ways to read a book, how to predict, and to retell stories we have read.


In writers workshop we are building stamina and learning how to think about an idea, draw a picture, and begin writing.


In math we are working on number partners of 5, 6, and 7.  Remember to look for homework each Thursday!



September 5

The first week of school is off to a great start!  It has been fun getting to know your first grader!  The kids are working hard as we are settling into first grade procedures and routine.   Please remember to check your child’s folder and return their daily sentence each day.  Next week we will be learning more of the first grade curriculum.  We will begin readers and writers workshop, math, and word study.  We will also have library and computers for the first time.


  • Picture day is Wednesday, 9/10
  • Book orders need to be ordered by Friday, 9/12

back to school sign owl

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